
Facebook shareholders demand report on fake news threat

Shareholders have proposed that Facebook Inc. prepare a report on the threat fake news spread on the social media poses to democracy and free speech, PREMIUM TIMES has learnt. According to a proxy filing made on Friday, which its board of directors have recommended a vote against, the shareholders also want the report to look into the dangers fake news may pose to the company itself. The proposal, which suggests the company review the issue broadly, said Facebook had provided “a financial mechanism supporting fabricated content” on the internet. Reuters news agency reports, Saturday, that it also includes the extent to which it blocks fake posts, how its strategies impact free speech and how it evaluates claims in posts. According to the proposal, “Facebook is highly vulnerable, as fake news promoters are spamming their way to visibility for fake news through strategically gaming Facebook’s algorithms and publishing platform.” It added that, “In light of the societal crisis generated

Meningitis: Governor Yari, of Zamfara State replies HRH, Mohammad Sanusi II

On April 5th, Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II took a swipe at the Zamfara state governor, Abdulaziz Yari, over his recent controversial statement that the current meningitis epidemic is as a result of the prevalence of immorality in the country. The Emir of Kano in a post shared on his IG page, said Yari's statement had no basis in Islam. In recent times, the monarch has been canvassing for a change in the thought process of Muslims in Nigeria, particularly towards embracing science and modern day techniques. In a statement released by his media aide, Yari kicked against the monarch new found stance against the practice of Islam in Nigeria. He says the Emir's reaction to his comment doesn't change the fact that everything must be linked to good whether fair or foul. Read his statement below For those who consider the emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi II to be anything but a first class intellectual, a consummate banker and a bona fide member of Nigeria’s royalty, the last coup

Libya, where Nigerians are sold as slave.

The United Nations migration agency said last week that Growing numbers of African migrants passing through Libya are traded in what they call slave markets before being held for ransom, forced labour or sexual exploitation. West African migrants interviewed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have recounted being bought and sold in garages and car parks in the southern city of Sabha, one of Libya’s main migrant smuggling hubs. Othman Belbeisi, head of the IOM’s Libya mission, told journalists in Geneva. Migrants are traded for between $200 and $500 and are held on average for two or three months. Migrants… bought and sold in car parks "Migrants are being sold in the market as a commodity,” he said. “Selling human beings is becoming a trend among smugglers as the smuggling networks in Libya are becoming stronger and stronger.” He added:“About women, we heard a lot about bad treatment, rape and being forced into prostitution". Mohammed Abdiker, IOM’s Director

Full text of Muhammad Sanusi II's speech given at the 1st Chibok Girls Annual Lecture, Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, Nigeria, April 14, 2017

CHIBOK AND THE MIRROR IN OUR FACES: SOME REFLECTIONS ON GENDER IN OUR SOCIETY BY HIS HIGHNESS MUHAMMAD SANUSI II, CON SARKIN KANO [Being Text of Speech given at the 1st Chibok Girls Annual Lecture, Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, Nigeria, April 14, 2017] In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful. It is a great honor for me to have been invited to speak on this landmark occasion of the third year of the atrocious and barbaric attacks in Chibok that led to the capture of hundreds of young girls from the school. In three years Nigerians have been horrified by this act and the consequent crimes of forced marriages, forced labour and may be even sale into slavery. Let me begin by congratulating my sister and friend Oby Ezekwesili and all the other sisters and brothers in BBOG who have kept this issue alive and remain committed until we see all the girls back. As we remember the girls captured in Chibok three years ago, we must remember that they constitute only a fraction of the victims of

The speech of Emir Sanusi daughter that got people talking.

-Shahida Sanusi, Daughter to the Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II, said her father will give up the throne if it stands in the way of truth. -Shehida made the statement while representing her father at the first annual Chibok Girls lecture in Abuja. click here to watch the Video of her speech She said, “My father is not afraid of giving up his throne if it stands in the way of speaking the truth. Those who think that my father would keep quiet because he wants to hold on to his throne, I think they don’t know my father. “I know that he has always wanted to be the emir of Kano but to him, if it comes between what is right, what his conscience tells him and choosing the throne, he would happily give upthe throne. "My father has always been a part of one controversy or the other and it’s normal for us. We are not scared anymore. “And honestly, he has been a source of inspiration and pride. He never fails to fight. He fights for progress, liberty, justice and equality. Those who think


<.p> -President Muhammadu Buhari, in his Easter message, called on Nigerians to live in peace with one another. -Buhari also said that there will be no meaningful development if Nigerians do not live together in peace. -President Buhari urges all Nigerians to live peacefully with one another and do their utmost to make Nigeria a beautiful place to reside. The full speech which was obtained from the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Reads: "I congratulate our Christian brothers and sisters on the celebration of this year’s Easter." "I rejoice with you on this historic occasion signifying the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, redemption over condemnation, and hope over despair." "The commemoration of this special season in Christianity, is always preceded by fasting, piety, humility, penance and prayers of intercession in the build up to the death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, an event which reunited man with his Creator." "The message

Janet Jackson's estranged husband Wissam Al Mana posts (Quran 3:186) on his site after failed marriage

Janet Jackson,50, who recently separated from her Qatari billionaire husband of five years, Wissam Al Mana, 42, earlier this month, posted on his website on Friday. The message is a passage in the Quran. The message read: "You shall most certainly be tried in your possessions and in your persons; and indeed you shall hear many hurtful things from those to whom revelation was granted before your time, as well as from those who have come to ascribe divinity to other beings beside Allah. But if you remain patient in adversity and conscious of Him - this, behold, is something to set one's heart upon. - 3:186" He had also previously posted a loving message to his wife on his own site as well. LOVE: "To the most beautiful person in the world, thank you for your divine love, your eternal support and for being my best friend,' he wrote. 'I love you so much, inshallah we will be together in the Great Forever x,' To the most beautiful person in the world, thank yo