
Showing posts from April 9, 2017

Facebook shareholders demand report on fake news threat

Shareholders have proposed that Facebook Inc. prepare a report on the threat fake news spread on the social media poses to democracy and free speech, PREMIUM TIMES has learnt. According to a proxy filing made on Friday, which its board of directors have recommended a vote against, the shareholders also want the report to look into the dangers fake news may pose to the company itself. The proposal, which suggests the company review the issue broadly, said Facebook had provided “a financial mechanism supporting fabricated content” on the internet. Reuters news agency reports, Saturday, that it also includes the extent to which it blocks fake posts, how its strategies impact free speech and how it evaluates claims in posts. According to the proposal, “Facebook is highly vulnerable, as fake news promoters are spamming their way to visibility for fake news through strategically gaming Facebook’s algorithms and publishing platform.” It added that, “In light of the societal crisis generated

Meningitis: Governor Yari, of Zamfara State replies HRH, Mohammad Sanusi II

On April 5th, Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II took a swipe at the Zamfara state governor, Abdulaziz Yari, over his recent controversial statement that the current meningitis epidemic is as a result of the prevalence of immorality in the country. The Emir of Kano in a post shared on his IG page, said Yari's statement had no basis in Islam. In recent times, the monarch has been canvassing for a change in the thought process of Muslims in Nigeria, particularly towards embracing science and modern day techniques. In a statement released by his media aide, Yari kicked against the monarch new found stance against the practice of Islam in Nigeria. He says the Emir's reaction to his comment doesn't change the fact that everything must be linked to good whether fair or foul. Read his statement below For those who consider the emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi II to be anything but a first class intellectual, a consummate banker and a bona fide member of Nigeria’s royalty, the last coup

Libya, where Nigerians are sold as slave.

The United Nations migration agency said last week that Growing numbers of African migrants passing through Libya are traded in what they call slave markets before being held for ransom, forced labour or sexual exploitation. West African migrants interviewed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have recounted being bought and sold in garages and car parks in the southern city of Sabha, one of Libya’s main migrant smuggling hubs. Othman Belbeisi, head of the IOM’s Libya mission, told journalists in Geneva. Migrants are traded for between $200 and $500 and are held on average for two or three months. Migrants… bought and sold in car parks "Migrants are being sold in the market as a commodity,” he said. “Selling human beings is becoming a trend among smugglers as the smuggling networks in Libya are becoming stronger and stronger.” He added:“About women, we heard a lot about bad treatment, rape and being forced into prostitution". Mohammed Abdiker, IOM’s Director

Full text of Muhammad Sanusi II's speech given at the 1st Chibok Girls Annual Lecture, Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, Nigeria, April 14, 2017

CHIBOK AND THE MIRROR IN OUR FACES: SOME REFLECTIONS ON GENDER IN OUR SOCIETY BY HIS HIGHNESS MUHAMMAD SANUSI II, CON SARKIN KANO [Being Text of Speech given at the 1st Chibok Girls Annual Lecture, Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, Nigeria, April 14, 2017] In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful. It is a great honor for me to have been invited to speak on this landmark occasion of the third year of the atrocious and barbaric attacks in Chibok that led to the capture of hundreds of young girls from the school. In three years Nigerians have been horrified by this act and the consequent crimes of forced marriages, forced labour and may be even sale into slavery. Let me begin by congratulating my sister and friend Oby Ezekwesili and all the other sisters and brothers in BBOG who have kept this issue alive and remain committed until we see all the girls back. As we remember the girls captured in Chibok three years ago, we must remember that they constitute only a fraction of the victims of

The speech of Emir Sanusi daughter that got people talking.

-Shahida Sanusi, Daughter to the Emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II, said her father will give up the throne if it stands in the way of truth. -Shehida made the statement while representing her father at the first annual Chibok Girls lecture in Abuja. click here to watch the Video of her speech She said, “My father is not afraid of giving up his throne if it stands in the way of speaking the truth. Those who think that my father would keep quiet because he wants to hold on to his throne, I think they don’t know my father. “I know that he has always wanted to be the emir of Kano but to him, if it comes between what is right, what his conscience tells him and choosing the throne, he would happily give upthe throne. "My father has always been a part of one controversy or the other and it’s normal for us. We are not scared anymore. “And honestly, he has been a source of inspiration and pride. He never fails to fight. He fights for progress, liberty, justice and equality. Those who think


<.p> -President Muhammadu Buhari, in his Easter message, called on Nigerians to live in peace with one another. -Buhari also said that there will be no meaningful development if Nigerians do not live together in peace. -President Buhari urges all Nigerians to live peacefully with one another and do their utmost to make Nigeria a beautiful place to reside. The full speech which was obtained from the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Reads: "I congratulate our Christian brothers and sisters on the celebration of this year’s Easter." "I rejoice with you on this historic occasion signifying the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, redemption over condemnation, and hope over despair." "The commemoration of this special season in Christianity, is always preceded by fasting, piety, humility, penance and prayers of intercession in the build up to the death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, an event which reunited man with his Creator." "The message

Janet Jackson's estranged husband Wissam Al Mana posts (Quran 3:186) on his site after failed marriage

Janet Jackson,50, who recently separated from her Qatari billionaire husband of five years, Wissam Al Mana, 42, earlier this month, posted on his website on Friday. The message is a passage in the Quran. The message read: "You shall most certainly be tried in your possessions and in your persons; and indeed you shall hear many hurtful things from those to whom revelation was granted before your time, as well as from those who have come to ascribe divinity to other beings beside Allah. But if you remain patient in adversity and conscious of Him - this, behold, is something to set one's heart upon. - 3:186" He had also previously posted a loving message to his wife on his own site as well. LOVE: "To the most beautiful person in the world, thank you for your divine love, your eternal support and for being my best friend,' he wrote. 'I love you so much, inshallah we will be together in the Great Forever x,' To the most beautiful person in the world, thank yo

Ikoyi $43m: Rivers State Govt claims ownership. Gives FG 7days ultimatum to return the funds they claim was diverted by Amaechi

The River state government announced yesterday in a press conference that the $43million Dollars found in Ikoyi apartment by EFCC belongs to River state Government and gives Federal Government 7 days ultimatum to return the money or they'll take legal measures to ensure that it gets back its stolen resources. Declaring that the $43million dollars found in the luxury apartment in Ikoyi belongs to the Rivers State Government. Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike addressing journalists on Friday night at the Government House; Port Harcourt on funds discovered at an Ikoyi apartment Governor Wike said that investigations by the Rivers State Government revealed that the money was proceed from the sale of gas turbines by the immediate past Rivers State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi. Addressing journalists at the Government House, Port Harcourt on Friday night, Governor Wike said: "The money in question belongs to the former Rivers State Governor, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. We want to

The Register of university of Abuja and 21 others suspended for protesting.

The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) suspended the registrar of the University of Abuja Rifkatu Swanta over anti-union activities. Swanta was suspended alongside 21 other staff of the university for holding an illegal gathering. SSANU alleged that the officials of the institution held a rally at the University of Abuja protesting corrupt practices by some members of the management. The officials while protesting said the sack of two of its members by members of the University of Abuja governing council for whistle-blowing is illegal. The suspension letter which was titled, "Suspension of some SSANU members in University of Abuja” and dated April 12, was addressed to the vice chancellor accused the suspended members of holding illegal congress. SSANU asked the university management to henceforth stop any remittance of check-off dues of the affected members to the union. The letter which was signed by SSANU's deputy national president Moses Aogo said the

Endorsement for the HLPF2017 official submission paper. By IDA - Published on April 4, 2017

The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities invite you to endorse the official submission paper prepared on behalf of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities to the HLPF. The paper is titled "Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity for Persons with Disabilities". Download the submission paper Espanol Deadline for endorsement: 27 April, 2017 We invite you to endorse this document by completing the endorsement form or by providing the name of your organization and your email address to Orsolya Bartha ( ) The submission paper addresses the annual theme of the High-Level Political Forum through the Sustainable Development Goals that are under review this year. As such, the paper focuses on eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity for persons with disabilities through the lens of Goals 1. 2, 3, 5, 9, and 14. The document addresses the situation and challenges encountered by persons with disabilities globally and provides re

"WE WILL, WE CAN AND WE WILL SHOW YOU" |Twins urge employers to see beyond Disability.

"We will, we can and we will show you," those are the words from two County Derry sisters, who have launched a public campaign, calling on all employers to give disabled people a chance. Twin sisters, Chloe and Judith MacCombe (21) from Claudy, suffer from a rare form of albinism, which means that they only have 30% of normal vision. BBC Reports. Growing up, the young women have never let theirdition hold them back, they have excelled in all areas including education, sport and music. After completing their studies at Limavady Grammar School, the sisters went on to graduate with a degree in Geography from The Ulster University in Coleraine. However, since graduating, the girls have faced their biggest challenge to date- trying to secure jobs. In a bid to encourage employers to see beyond the disability, Chloe and Judith called upon charity, Fixers, which helps young people fix the future. With the help of Fixers, the girls have now released a documentary-style film to raise a

Famous Deaf people in the world. #2

On my previous post on, Famous deaf people in the world (#1) , I talked about Helen Keller, what made her blind and deaf, how she influenced society and why she's so famous. In this blog, I am going to talk about our next famous person. Did you know that the incandescent electrical light bulb you are using in your house was invented by a Deaf scientist and inventor? Did your teacher ever told you that the motion picture camera or the phonograph was invented by a deaf scientist and inventor? Or that the fuel and coal powered electricity to which are using, is being replaced with a solar energy in some places, was an idea from a deaf scientist and inventor 85 years ago before his death in October 18, 1931? Oh! Maybe the Americans haven't told you that Goldenrod weeds, a natural plant used for producing rubber, was introduced to Henry Ford by a deaf scientist and inventor as a substitute source of rubber for use in automobile tires? Or that the only person who patented 1,093 inven

Burrusia Dortmund Defender, Marc Bartra broke his wrist in an explosion involved team bus.

Defender Marc Bartra broke his wrist in an explosive incident near their hotel and required medical treatment. He was taken to the hispital immediately but hopefully will be ok as soon as possible. police said the source of the explosion is still unknown Dortmund's chief executive Hans-Joachim Watzke said: "There has been an attack with explosives on the team bus. "The whole team is in a state of shock - you can't get pictures like that out of your head." the game has been postphoned till tomorrow and will be played at Dortmund's Westafalen Stadium at 7:45 BST.

Governor Willie Obaino of Anambra State appoints a Sign Language Interpreter as his SA on Communication for the Deaf.

The Governor of Anambra state, Chief Willie Obaino appoints a Sign Language Interpreter named Joseph Collins as his Special Assistant (SA) on Sign Language Communication for the Deaf on the 3rd of April 2017 and put it in writing on 10th of April 2017. This was done as a result of the Joint National Association Of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD), Anambra state Chapter visit to the governor lodge The governor also approved free transportation for disabled in the state as well as free education and automatic employment for disabled graduates from the state. Two months ago, the same governor, inaugurated nine newly appointed permanent Secretaries. Out of the said newly appointes, five were women with four men which includes a PHYSICALLY-CHALLENGED man. This is a good development and job-well-done by JONAPWD both state and national.

SA on Disabilities Matters to President Buhari visit Anambra State.

The Senior assistant on Disabilities Matters to President Muhammad Buhari, Dr.Samuel Odeh Ankali shared pictures of his official visit to the Government and good people of Anambra State on Facebook. The pictures shown include some members of Disability community in Anambra State.

NDE has begins Online Registration of Unemployed

The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) has commenced the online registration of unemployed person in the country. Deputy Director, Information and Public Relations in the office of the general, Kunle Obayan, as saying, "that the exercise was part of the mandate of the directorate as the agency charged with responsibilities of designing skill set to suit various types of unemployed persons. Onwuliri stated that the framework for the online registration handled by the directorate had been completed and draft for launch." He added: "The online portal which went live on Wednesday April 5, 2017, is designed to capture the relevant details of every unemployed person. It will equally serve as a job seekers and employers. He hinted that there was a practical demonstration of the workings of the portal at the NDE stand at the recently conducted 28th edition of the Enugu International Trade on April 6, 2017." The portal could be accessed on: He said

Famous Deaf people in the world. (#1)

          Helen Keller Today, I have decided to write about some of the most famous Deaf people in the world. I was inspired as a result of a question asked by my friend concerning deaf people in Nigeria and their struggle in advocating for Disability Rights Bill. He asked: Deaf people have been advocating for the passing of Disability Right bill as if this will give them the the opportunity in getting Job of their dreams. Is there any Deaf person in history who had ever became so famous in this world? I am writing this blog in reply to his question. The first person that comes into the picture is: 1. HELEN KELLER Helen Keller was one of the most inspired blind and deaf writer, author, and lecturer in the world. She was born with the ability to see and hear but later at age 19, she contracted an illness described by doctors as "an acute congestion of the stomach and brain" which might have been scarlet fever or meningitis. The illnesses left her both Deaf and Blind. In May

Australia's Political Satirist, John Clarke has died at age 68

One of Australia's most renowned satirists, John Clarke, has died, BBC has said. The New Zealand-born comedian and writer was famous in Australia for sending up politicians and conducting mock interviews in a television career spanning almost 30 years. Among his many hits, Clarke wrote an award-winning mockumentary, The Games, about planning Sydney's 2000 Olympics. He died on Sunday aged 68 while hiking in a national park in the state of Victoria, his family said."John died doing one of the things he loved the most in the world, taking photos of birds in beautiful bushland with his wife and friends," they said in a statement. "He is forever in our hearts." In his early career in New Zealand, Clarke was known for the TV series Fred Dagg - a satirical take on being a country bloke. After moving to Australia, he starred in popular local shows including Kath and Kim and The Adventures of Lano and Woodley, as well as writing books, films and musicals.

ALIKO DANGOTE AT 60 | President Buhari felicitates with business mogul

President Muhammad Buhari warmly falicitates with Africa's richest renowned businessman and philanthropist, Aliko Dangote, on his 60th birthday. President Buhari joins the business world, Dangote's friend and family in congratulating the Forbes' rated richest African and black man for his patriotism and kind heartiness in always making sacrifice to safeguard the health of the nation, most remarkably the polio and Ebola interventions. The president believes the global business mogul remains a shining example of the virtues of choosing entrepreneurship from an early age, trading the part of diligence, perseverance and continuous learning to build some of the world's largest manufacturing and distribution companies, with household names in Nigeria and beyond. As Dangote clocks 60, President Buhari commends the humility, simplicity and cosmopolitan outlook of the entrepreneur who defies ethnic and religious persuasions in extending support to the poor and vulnera