We Need Disability Rights Bill Alongside Not Too Young To Run

Two days ago, the Senate passed the Not Too Young To Run bill. This means at age 35, Nigerian youths can contest for President and at the age of 30, a Governor or Senators. At age 25, legislate in the National and State Assemblies across the country. I am happy that the Senate has passed the #nottooyoungtorunbill. At age 35-40, I would probable be the president of Federal Republic of Nigeria. LOLs But I am disappointed seeing some people living with Disability celebrating the passing of the bill when our own bill, #DisabilityrightsBill is there sitting or abandoned either at the Senate or the Presidency. Who will benefit from the "not too young to lead" bill passed by the Senate? You who dont have money to register with a political party, not to mention that of buying a candidacy form OR the children of those politicians who are at this moment studying how Nigeria's political systems work in an irvy league universities abroad? To my disability counterparts, especially...