We Need Disability Rights Bill Alongside Not Too Young To Run

Two days ago, the Senate passed the Not Too Young To Run bill. This means at age 35, Nigerian youths can contest for President and at the age of 30, a Governor or Senators. At age 25, legislate in the National and State Assemblies across the country.

I am happy that the Senate has passed the #nottooyoungtorunbill. At age 35-40, I would probable be the president of Federal Republic of Nigeria. LOLs

But I am disappointed seeing some people living with Disability celebrating the passing of the bill when our own bill, #DisabilityrightsBill is there sitting or abandoned either at the Senate or the Presidency.

Who will benefit from the "not too young to lead" bill passed by the Senate? You who dont have money to register with a political party, not to mention that of buying a candidacy form OR the children of those politicians who are at this moment studying how Nigeria's political systems work in an irvy league universities abroad?

To my disability counterparts, especially the Deaf, let me tell you one thing......without disability right bill, you will always remain where you are in term of employment in the federal government. Even if you are a PhD holder, you will always remain a teacher in a special school because when you go looking for a job to which you are experienced in, you will always be discriminated based on your disability. An example is Nigerian immigration recruitment, which they boldly stated that disability people are not allowed to register.

Many teachers you see teaching in a special school, didn't chose teaching as a profession, the society imposed it on them because they are Disabled.  When you go looking for job in a governmental organisation, some will direct you to the ministry of education so that you will be posted to a special school as a classroom teacher. This is one of the reason why some special education school have poor teachers who are not motivated and does not enjoy the profession because that's not what they were trained to do, the society imposed it  on them. The result is that we ended up having students whose simple Grammer you hardly understand​.

I am not against too young to run, neither Am i saying that the masses can not lead or that the youth should not be allowed to run, what I am saying is that no matter how you see the situation, these politicians are the ones who will benefit the more because they will still follow the  " fatherism" and "godfatherism" philosophy which involves either making a way for their children to become the leader or recruiting the youths to be one. This recruitment is not for free, it requires an allegiance to the godfathers.

We need #DisabilityRightbill,
Alongside #Nottooyoungtorunbill.

Not too young to run bill will not stop discrimination against people with disability who want to run for any political post. Only  #Disabilityrightbill can do that.

The Senate and the presidency need to put into consideration the over 25million people living with disability in Nigeria when making a decision about it's citizens because we are not aliens from other planets, we are humans within Nigeria.

Abubakar EL-Mumbu


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