The only way to cut down unemployment and over dependence on government by over 25million people living with disability and over
40million less privileged citizens of this country, is for the government to pass/assent the DISABILITY BILL which had been abandoned
either in the Senate or the Presidency.
Apart from disability bill, there are many bills sitting there at the red chamber, these bills were meant to protect the minorities. Unfortunately,
the senate were and are still busy with something that do not and will noted benefit the less privileged.
What will col. hameed Ali appearing in the senate with a custom uniform benefit the minorities? Will it even solve this economic hardship we are facing?
What are their fears in passing the Disability Bill? This bill is meant to protect us from different human right abuses we are facing in the society. Its meant to protect us from discrimination in the job market. And to make sure we are equal
and have the right, just like every body to employ and be employed. I repeat, what is their fears?
A country that its leaders are not willing to pass a bill meant to protect the right of its citizens, is
a country that is going to remain underdeveloped in the next 50 years.
Thank you!