
Ikoyi $43m: Rivers State Govt claims ownership. Gives FG 7days ultimatum to return the funds they claim was diverted by Amaechi

The River state government announced yesterday in a press conference that the $43million Dollars found in Ikoyi apartment by EFCC belongs to River state Government and gives Federal Government 7 days ultimatum to return the money or they'll take legal measures to ensure that it gets back its stolen resources. Declaring that the $43million dollars found in the luxury apartment in Ikoyi belongs to the Rivers State Government. Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike addressing journalists on Friday night at the Government House; Port Harcourt on funds discovered at an Ikoyi apartment Governor Wike said that investigations by the Rivers State Government revealed that the money was proceed from the sale of gas turbines by the immediate past Rivers State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi. Addressing journalists at the Government House, Port Harcourt on Friday night, Governor Wike said: "The money in question belongs to the former Rivers State Governor, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. We want to

The Register of university of Abuja and 21 others suspended for protesting.

The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) suspended the registrar of the University of Abuja Rifkatu Swanta over anti-union activities. Swanta was suspended alongside 21 other staff of the university for holding an illegal gathering. SSANU alleged that the officials of the institution held a rally at the University of Abuja protesting corrupt practices by some members of the management. The officials while protesting said the sack of two of its members by members of the University of Abuja governing council for whistle-blowing is illegal. The suspension letter which was titled, "Suspension of some SSANU members in University of Abuja” and dated April 12, was addressed to the vice chancellor accused the suspended members of holding illegal congress. SSANU asked the university management to henceforth stop any remittance of check-off dues of the affected members to the union. The letter which was signed by SSANU's deputy national president Moses Aogo said the

Endorsement for the HLPF2017 official submission paper. By IDA - Published on April 4, 2017

The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities invite you to endorse the official submission paper prepared on behalf of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities to the HLPF. The paper is titled "Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity for Persons with Disabilities". Download the submission paper Espanol Deadline for endorsement: 27 April, 2017 We invite you to endorse this document by completing the endorsement form or by providing the name of your organization and your email address to Orsolya Bartha ( ) The submission paper addresses the annual theme of the High-Level Political Forum through the Sustainable Development Goals that are under review this year. As such, the paper focuses on eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity for persons with disabilities through the lens of Goals 1. 2, 3, 5, 9, and 14. The document addresses the situation and challenges encountered by persons with disabilities globally and provides re

"WE WILL, WE CAN AND WE WILL SHOW YOU" |Twins urge employers to see beyond Disability.

"We will, we can and we will show you," those are the words from two County Derry sisters, who have launched a public campaign, calling on all employers to give disabled people a chance. Twin sisters, Chloe and Judith MacCombe (21) from Claudy, suffer from a rare form of albinism, which means that they only have 30% of normal vision. BBC Reports. Growing up, the young women have never let theirdition hold them back, they have excelled in all areas including education, sport and music. After completing their studies at Limavady Grammar School, the sisters went on to graduate with a degree in Geography from The Ulster University in Coleraine. However, since graduating, the girls have faced their biggest challenge to date- trying to secure jobs. In a bid to encourage employers to see beyond the disability, Chloe and Judith called upon charity, Fixers, which helps young people fix the future. With the help of Fixers, the girls have now released a documentary-style film to raise a

Famous Deaf people in the world. #2

On my previous post on, Famous deaf people in the world (#1) , I talked about Helen Keller, what made her blind and deaf, how she influenced society and why she's so famous. In this blog, I am going to talk about our next famous person. Did you know that the incandescent electrical light bulb you are using in your house was invented by a Deaf scientist and inventor? Did your teacher ever told you that the motion picture camera or the phonograph was invented by a deaf scientist and inventor? Or that the fuel and coal powered electricity to which are using, is being replaced with a solar energy in some places, was an idea from a deaf scientist and inventor 85 years ago before his death in October 18, 1931? Oh! Maybe the Americans haven't told you that Goldenrod weeds, a natural plant used for producing rubber, was introduced to Henry Ford by a deaf scientist and inventor as a substitute source of rubber for use in automobile tires? Or that the only person who patented 1,093 inven

Burrusia Dortmund Defender, Marc Bartra broke his wrist in an explosion involved team bus.

Defender Marc Bartra broke his wrist in an explosive incident near their hotel and required medical treatment. He was taken to the hispital immediately but hopefully will be ok as soon as possible. police said the source of the explosion is still unknown Dortmund's chief executive Hans-Joachim Watzke said: "There has been an attack with explosives on the team bus. "The whole team is in a state of shock - you can't get pictures like that out of your head." the game has been postphoned till tomorrow and will be played at Dortmund's Westafalen Stadium at 7:45 BST.

Governor Willie Obaino of Anambra State appoints a Sign Language Interpreter as his SA on Communication for the Deaf.

The Governor of Anambra state, Chief Willie Obaino appoints a Sign Language Interpreter named Joseph Collins as his Special Assistant (SA) on Sign Language Communication for the Deaf on the 3rd of April 2017 and put it in writing on 10th of April 2017. This was done as a result of the Joint National Association Of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD), Anambra state Chapter visit to the governor lodge The governor also approved free transportation for disabled in the state as well as free education and automatic employment for disabled graduates from the state. Two months ago, the same governor, inaugurated nine newly appointed permanent Secretaries. Out of the said newly appointes, five were women with four men which includes a PHYSICALLY-CHALLENGED man. This is a good development and job-well-done by JONAPWD both state and national.